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Lords, priests, minstrels, craftsmen, soldiers and peasants. Why nationalists fail and keep failing. And how they would win if they understood social complementarity.

I spent quite a lot of time listening to all political factions and I am usually stunned by the lack of vision of nationalist radicals. So if one of you is reading, I want to explain you why you fail. I'm not convinced that you can get the intellectual strength to overcome the fundamental reasons of your failure though.

Your fight isn't about left vs right. Your fight is about changing the culture. You correctly identified that the left is controlling the culture, but the usual answer is to say that leftists are degenerates and to advocate for beta males to go to the gym to get muscles and testosterone. Well, this doesn't work and will never work.

To move forward with your fight in this era where the mood of the population is receptive, you must start thinking in terms of complementarity.

The science is clear, women love muscular Alpha males.
But also bohemians with a guitar

Here is a simplified structure of the society

Give orders
Define good and evil
Sell emotional dreams
Make weapons and stuff
Obey, kill and die
Produce food and resources

When you listen to nationalists, they mostly say "homosexuals are degenerates, we won't kill them but we must remove them from sight". This is why you fail.

Have you ever thought about the personality required to be a priest? You tell sermons about good and evil, you pass your time in the confessional listening to the psychological issues of the local believers, you organise social events for kids. Does it look like the wonderland of the Alpha male personality ? Of course not, it's for males who are interested in social relations and emotions. And by the way, academia has always been under the control of priests. Feminist departments are just the new face of convents, they hate sex and love purity.

Same story for minstrels who sing songs about heroism, love and other emotions. Those are people who intuitively understand human emotions and whose purpose is to express emotions and tell stories that will resonate with people. You never hear songs about mathematics and engineering, you only hear songs about emotions. That's what most people are interested in.

What does that description of personality looks like? Well, it looks quite a lot like homosexuals. Priests love to touch little boy penises, fashion designers are serial homosexuals, journalists are effeminate. It's simply because those tasks are about dealing with emotions. Well, they don't need to be fully homosexual, but they are clearly not the big muscle testosterone beasts.

Then come craftsmen. They don't care about humans, they care about stuff, they dedicate their life to making stuff that works well. I won't go into the details, but it looks pretty much like the definition of autism. Engineers score much higher in autism scores than the population average.

He got the sword, he will get the chicks ... unless he dies too soon.

Soldiers are people like you. Big ego, big confidence, love hierarchies, love obeying orders of those above you. You kill and you die if you you don't die you rape and plunder afterwards. Of course, this is the nationalist type, because soldiers die for nations, so without nation there is nothing to die for and this is the biggest existential threat of soldiers. In the minstrel tales, soldiers kill and get the princess, but in the reality they rape peasant women, pay prostitutes and get STDs. And after you went to sleep to dream about heroism, the minstrel fucks your wife while she dreams of romance.

And eventually you get peasants. They are the majority, they are boring, but they feed you so you shouldn't despise them too much. And you won't turn them all into soldiers by sending them to the gym.

Lords don't have a specific personality, it depends of the type of society they administer and how they get to power. 

So here is your problem

You are soldiers without a lord to give you orders, without minstrels to tell the tales of your heroism, without priests to tell the society who are the forces of evil (though you don't have trouble finding evil forces you dream of fighting), without craftsmen to provide you weapons and without peasants to feed you and commemorate your sacrifice.

You keep dreaming of the day when the mess will be so messy that there will be a (civil) war and you will at last crush your enemies. Well, this isn't guaranteed. What did US nazis did when the US declared war on Germany ? They got their rifle, sang the anthem and went to Germany to kill nazis. Why ? Because the priests defined German nazis as the bad guys and lords told them to do so. Soldiers do nothing but obey, kill and die.

Obviously, the population is extremely receptive to nationalist ideas currently, but you still cannot get support for your ideas. Here is how you should proceed if you really want to make a successful movement: go to art schools, where you find a lot of degenerate pot smokers. Tell them they they can either make degenerate art or express the emotions of the highest virtues, that the market for degenerate art is saturated already and that they will get a lot of success and be worshipped by nationalist Alpha males if they come and make art to glorify them.

Stop saying that pederasts should at best be tolerated, they are those who will sing songs about how glorious the nation is and how all should dream of dying to rejuvenate it. Just ask them to avoid bragging about sucking dicks.

 Not very Alpha male, but you won't win without guys like those

In summary, there is one word to understand and repeat again and again. COMPLEMENTARITY. You are not fighting against the left, you are fighting to change society. And for this you need the support of all personality types and all types of social functions. What your political movement lacks isn't steroid pills but effeminate males who know how to tell stories and songs that resonate with the emotions of the majority.
